Meet Craig Hawkins
Craig Hawkins is the founder and President of Apologetics Information Ministry (A.I.M.).
Currently Craig co-hosts “Living by the Word” which airs in Southern California on
Sundays from 10 PM to 12 AM on KKLA, FM 99.5 (or online at
Craig also hosts the weekly netcast, The College of Theology which is featured on To view this week’s program right now go to Video on Demand (VOD) and click on The College of Theology. Or view the program during HisChannel’s regular broadcast schedule, and for more information go to our radio/television page. You may also purchase and download The College of Theology sessions in our ‘Shop’ section.
For numerous years professor Hawkins hosted radio call-in, interview, and teaching programs, such as Open Forum, CRI Perspective, AIM for the Truth, and co-hosted The Bible Answer Man broadcast for the Christian Research Institute with the late Dr. Walter Martin.
Numerous other radio and television programs have called upon Craig’s expertise.
Craig specializes in researching and answering questions regarding religious movements and issues, such as faith and culture, epistemology, religious pluralism, cults, the occult, world religions, relativism, general and philosophical Christian apologetics, and biblical theology. His studies in the occult include extensive research into satanism, witchcraft, and neopaganism. In addition to published articles, he has written two books: Witchcraft: Exploring the World of Wicca (Baker Books), and Goddess Worship, Witchcraft and Neo-Paganism (Zondervan).
Extensive experience and training in apologetics for Craig includes the following:
- a B.A. in philosophy, graduating with honors, from the University of California Irvine
- an M.A. in Faith and Culture, graduating summa cum laude, from Trinity International University
- an MA in philosophy from Claremont Graduate University.
- served as Research Consultant for Dr. Walter Martin
- served as the Assistant Dean of the School of Apologetics at Simon Greenleaf University, and as the Director of the Simon Greenleaf Institute of Apologetics at Trinity International University (California Campus).
Professor Hawkins has taught at Biola University, Concordia University, Simon Greenleaf University, with the Talbot Institute of Biblical Studies (TIBS), and other institutions, on apologetics, cults, logic, the occult, theology, worldviews, and related issues. Presently he is an adjunct professor at Trinity Graduate School (California Campus).